


Pete 2013-2023

Fitzwilliam Smixham was born on Valentine's Day, a member of the ancient basal line of Nipponese Shiba Inu. Son of Easy Rider and Steel Magnolia, he was adopted into the house of Smixham in his first year, bringing joy to two grumpy artists. He was the perfect size.

It was realized only later that his real name was Peter.

He proved to be the finest type of friend, both the best and the worst. Not a devoted minion, but a spirited individual. Equally ready with love, or mischief, or both. Our efforts to train him were often thwarted with his much more superior efforts to train us, instructing us when he wanted his walkies, when he wanted treats, when it was okay for a pet, or when he would huff, get up and walk just out of reach if you tried it. He could sense when there was gray area in your commands, and exploit it. He could also sense when you weren't at your best, and be there to comfort you.

He spent his days zooming in his yard, chasing squirrels and deer, and sleeping in the sun. With his humans, he blazed every trail of the Gunpowder Falls, rolling in the fresh grass, and splashing in the muddy waters. He spent his night prowling the neighborhood in search for street sandwiches, playing keep away with a scrap of ravaged toy, and chasing his cats around the house with playful ferocity.

Hail and hearty throughout his whole life, just months before his 10th birthday, he developed a slight limp on his forepaw on our evening walk. This would prove to be the harbinger of our insidious enemy, an aggressive cancer. Despite the efforts of our great veterinarians, it had spread to his liver and lungs, beyond the scope of canine medicine. With his strength starting to leave him, and his discomfort increasing with every passing day, we made the hard decision to end his suffering and say good bye to our great friend and cherished family member.

Pete passed away peacefully, surrounded by his pack, at 11:15 am on January 30th, 2023.

He was a good boy, he was our baby boy, and we thank him for all the happiness he gave us. We will never forget his joyful mischief and energetic spirit.
